Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Motta, Matt, Gabriella Motta, & Dominik Stecula. ``Conceptual Debates in the Study of Canine & Feline Vaccine Hesitancy: A Response to Haeder 2023." Forthcoming at Vaccine.
Cologna, Viktoria et al. ``Trust in scientists and their role in society: a global assessment." Revise & Resubmit at Nature Human Behavior
​Motta, Matthew P. & Kathryn Haglin. Exogenous Increases in Basic Income Provisions Increase Preventative Health-Seeking Behavior: A Quasi-Experimental Study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Motta, Matthew P. et al. Quantifying the Prevalence and Determinants of RSV Vaccine Hesitancy in US Adults Aged 60 or Older. Forthcoming at Public Health.
Mede, Niels et al. ``Perceptions of science, science communication, and climate change attitudes in 67 countries – the TISP dataset." Forthcoming at Nature Scientific Data.
Motta, Matthew P. (2024). "The Promises and Pitfalls of Conjoint Experimentation for Studying Public Sentiment Toward Vaccines in Development." Forthcoming at Sage Research Methods.
Pacheco, Juliana, Sarah Gollust, Timothy Callaghan, & Matt Motta. "Let’s Party! A Call for the Use of Partisanship in Population Health Research." American Journal of Public Health.
Kobayashi, Yoshiharu, Tobias Henrich, & Matt Motta. (2024). Which foreign vaccine should the government purchase in a pandemic? Evidence from a survey experiment in the United States. Social Science & Medicine.
Motta, Matthew P., Yuning Liu, & Amanda Yarnell. (2024). ``Influencing the Influencers: A Field Experimental Approach to Promoting Effective Mental Health Communication on TikTok." Link. Scientific Reports. ​​​​​​
Callaghan, Timothy, H., Alva O. Ferdinand, Matthew Motta, Alee Lockman, Aakriti Shrestha & Krissy Lunz-Trujillo. (2023). ``Public Attitudes, Inequities, & Polarization in the Launch of the 988 Lifeline." The Journal of Health Politics, Policy, & Law
Motta, Matthew P., Dominik Stecula, & Juwon Hwang. What Goes Down Must Come Up? Exploiting Natural Variation in Facebook Service Availability to Study Pandemic Misinformation Search Behavior on Other Platforms. Link Health Communication. ​​
Goidel, Kirby, Timothy Callaghan, Tasmiah Nuzhath, Julia Scobee, David Washburn, & Matt Motta. (2023) Professional Partisans? How Partisan vs. Professional Identities Influence Physicians’ Perceptions of COVID-19 Policy Response? Forthcoming at State Politics & Policy Quarterly
Motta, Matthew P., Gabriella Motta, & Dominik Stecula. (2022). ``Sick as a Dog? The Prevalence, Correlates, and Health Policy Consequences of Canine Vaccine Hesitancy (CVH)." Link. Vaccine
Webster, Steven, Adam Glynn, & Matt Motta. (2023). Partisan Schadenfreude and the Demand for Candidate Cruelty. Link. Political Psychology.
Lunz-Trujillo, Kristin, Jon Green, Alauna Safarpour, David Lazer, Jennifer Lin, & Matt Motta. Covid-19 Spillover Effects onto General Vaccine Attitudes. Forthcoming at Public Opinion Quarterly
Motta, Matt, & Salil Benegal. How Pandemic-Related Changes in Global Attitudes Toward the Scientific Community Shape "Post-Pandemic" Environmental Opinion. Public Understanding of Science.
Motta, Matt, Kristin Lunz-Trujillo, & Timothy Callaghan. “The CDC Won’t Let Me Be.” The Opinion Dynamics of Support for Health Agencies’ Regulatory Authority.Forthcoming at Journal of Health Politics, Policy, & Law.
Motta, Matt, Timothy Callaghan, Kristin Lunz-Trujillo, & Alee Lockman. (2023). Erroneous Consonance. How Inaccurate Beliefs about Physician Opinion Influence COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy. Vaccine
Motta, Matt & Dominik Stecula. The Influence of Partisan Media in the Face of Global Pandemic: How News Media Influenced COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy. (With Dom Stecula). Political Communication
Motta, Matt. (2023). Is Partisan Conflict Over COVID-19 Eroding Support for Childhood Vaccine Mandates? npj Vaccines (Nature Partner Journal).
Motta, Matt. (2022). Is Cancer Treatment Immune from Partisan Polarization? How Partisan Identity Motivates Opposition to Preventative Cancer Vaccination in the U.S. Link. The Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, & Parties. ​
Motta, Matt. (2022). The Correlates & Public Health Consequences of Prospective Vaccine Hesitancy Among Individuals who Received COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters in the U.S. Vaccines. Link.
Benegal, Salil & Matt Motta. (2022). Overconfident, Resentful, and Misinformed: How Racial Animus Motivates Confidence in False Beliefs. Accepted at Social Science Quarterly. Link.
Kobayashi, Yoshiharu, Tobias Heinrich, Christopher Howell, & Matt Motta. (2022). Militarized Violence Reduces Willingness to Take a COVID-19 Vaccine: Evidence from Global Dyadic Survey. With: Yoshiharu Kobayashi, Christopher Howell, and Tobias Heinrich. Social Science & Medicine.
Goidel, Kirby, Timothy Callaghan, David Washburn, Tasmiah Nuzhath, Julia Scobee, Abigail Spiegelman, & Matt Motta. (2022). “Physician Trust in the News Media & Attitudes Toward COVID-19." The Journal of Health Politics, Policy, & Law.
Sylvester, Steven., Matthew Motta, Kristin Lunz-Trujillo, & Timothy Callaghan. Vaccinating Across the Aisle: Using Co-Partisan Source Cues to Encourage COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake on the Ideological Right. (2022). The Journal of Behavioral Medicine.
Callaghan, T.H., David Washburn, Kirby Goidel, Tasmiah Nuzhath, Abigail Spiegelman, Julia Scobee, Ali Mogthaderi, & Matthew Motta. (2022). Vaccine Confidence Among Primary Care Physicians during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the U.S. (with Tim Callaghan et al. ). Vaccine. Link.
Stecula, D., Matthew Motta, Ozan Kuru, & Kathleen Hall Jamieson. (2022). The Great and Powerful (Dr.) Oz? Alternative Medical Media Consumption & Anti-Vaccine Views in the United States. The Journal of Communication. Link.
Motta, MP. (2022). The Pre-Political Origins & Policy Consequences of Environmental Justice Concern. Politics & the Life Sciences.
Jansa, J, Matt Motta, & Rebekah Herrick. Finding DORI: Using Item Response Theory to Measure Difficulty of Registration in the US and Its Impact on Voters (2021). American Politics Research. Link.
Motta, MP., & Dominik Stecula. The Effect of Wakefield et al. (1998) on Skepticism about MMR Vaccine Safety in the U.S. With: Dom Stecula. PLOS ONE. Link.
Motta, MP. Republicans, not Democrats, are More Likely to Endorse Anti-Vaccine Misinformation. (2021). American Politics Research. Link.
Smith, BA., Emma Knapp, & Matt Motta. Complementary or Competing Frames? The Impact of Economic and Public Health Messages on COVID-19 Attitudes. Pre-registered study conditionally accepted at Journal of Experimental Political Science.
Motta, MP, Tim Callaghan, Kristin Lunz-Trujillo, & Steven Sylvester. Identifying the Prevalence, Correlates, and Policy Consequences of Anti-Vaccine Social Identity." Politics, Groups, & Identities. Link.
Motta, MP & Paul Goren. Apolitical Values & Compliance with Government Recommended Prosocial Health Behavior. With: Paul Goren. Link. Forthcoming at the Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, & Parties
Lunz-Trujillo, K. and Matt Motta. (2021) How Misinformation Access Drives Global Vaccine Skepticism . International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Link.
Wynes, S, Matt Motta, & S. Donner. (2021). “Understanding the Climate Responsibility Associated with Elections" One Earth (Cell Press).. Link
Motta, MP. (2021). Can a COVID-19 Vaccine Live up to Americans' Expectations? A Conjoint Analysis of how Vaccine Characteristics Influence Vaccination Intentions. Link. Social Science & Medicine
Callaghan, TC., Ali Moghtaderi, Jennifer A. Lueck, Peter J. Hotez, Ulrich Strych, Avi Dor, Erika Franklin Fowler, & Matt Motta. (2021) Correlates & Disparities of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy. Link. Social Science & Medicine.
Motta, Matthew P., Steven Sylvester, Timothy Callaghan, & Kristin Lunz-Trujillo. (2021) "Encouraging COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Through Effective Health Communication." Special Issue: Frontiers in Political Science -- Politics of Technology.
Motta, MP. (2020). Could Concern about Climate Change Increase Demand for a Lyme Disease Vaccine? Vaccine.​ Link.
Motta, MP. Changing Minds or Changing Samples? (2020). Disentangling Micro-Level Stability and Macro-Level Growth in Anthropogenic Climate Change (ACC) Beliefs. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Link.
Motta, MP. Political Scientists? A profile of Congressional candidates with STEM backgrounds in 2018. (2020). PS: Political Science & Politics. Link.
Motta, MP., Robert Ralston, & Jennifer Spindel. (2020). A Call to Arms? The Opinion Dynamics and Policy Implications of Climate Change Concern in the US Military. Environmental Communication. Link.
Motta, MP, & Timothy Callaghan. (2020) The Pervasiveness and Policy Consequences of Medical Folk Wisdom in the U.S. Scientific Reports (Nature Research). Link.
Goren, PN. Matt Motta, & Brianna Smith. (2020) The Ideational Foundations of Symbolic Ideology. With Paul Goren and Brianna Smith. Advances in Political Psychology. Link.
Motta, MP, Dom Stecula, & Christina Farhart. (2020) How Right-Leaning Media Coverage of COVID-19 Facilitated the Spread of Misinformation in the Early Stages of the Pandemic in the U.S. Canadian Journal of Political Science. Link.
Goren, PN., Brianna Smith, & Matt Motta. (2020) Basic Human Values and Sophistication Interaction Theory. Political Behavior. Link.
Ralston, R. Matt Motta, & Jen Spindel. (2020) When OK is NOT OK: Public Concern About White Nationalism in the U.S. Military. Armed Forces & Society. Link
Motta, MP. (2020). Applications and Critical Reflections on the VANMaN Taxonomy. Social Science & Medicine. Link
Lunz Trujilo, K, Matt Motta, Timothy Callaghan, & Steven Sylvester (2020). Identifying Psychological Risk Factors and Effective Communication Strategies. Political Research Quarterly. Link.
Motta, MP, Dan Chapman, Kathryn Haglin, and Dan Kahan. (2020) Reducing the Administrative Demands of the Science Curiosity Scale (SCS): A Validation Study. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. Link.
Motta, MP, and Andrew Rohrman. (2019) "Quaking in their Boots? Seismic Risk Perceptions and Preventative Public Policy Inaction" Behavioral Public Policy. Link.
Callaghan, TC, Matt Motta, Kristin Lunz-Trujilo, Steven Sylvester, and Christine Blackburn. (2019) Parent Psychology and the Decision to Delay Childhood Vaccination. Social Science & Medicine. Link.
Haglin, KH, Dan Chapman, Matt Motta, and Dan Kahan. (2019) How Localized Outbreaks and Changes in Media Coverage Affect Zika Attitudes in Local & National Contexts. Health Communication. Link.
Motta, MP, Daniel Chapman, Dominik Stecula, & Kathryn Haglin. " (2019) An Experimental Examination of Measurement Disparities in Public Climate Change Beliefs." Climatic Change. Link
Motta, MP. (2018) "The Enduring Effect of Scientific Interest on Trust in Climate Scientists in the U.S." Nature Climate Change. Link
Motta, MP. (2018) "The Polarizing Effects of the March for Science on Attitudes Toward Scientists." PS: Political Science & Politics. Link.
Motta, MP, Tim Callaghan, & Steven Sylvester. (2018) "Knowing less but presuming more: Dunning-Kruger effects and the endorsement of anti-vaccine policy attitudes." Social Science & Medicine. Link
Motta, MP. (2018) Explaining Science Funding Attitudes in the U.S.: The Case for Science Interest. Public Understanding of Science. Link.
Motta, MP. (2017) "The Dynamics and Implications of Anti-Intellectualism in the United States." American Politics Research. Link
Luttig, M.D., & Motta, M.P. (2017) "President Obama on the Ballot: Referendum Voting and Racial Spillover in the 2014 Midterm Elections." Electoral Studies. Link
Smith, BA, Murib, Z., Motta, MP, Callaghan, TH, & Theys M. (2017) “Gay or Homosexual? The Implications of Social Category Labels for the Structure of Mass Attitudes." American Politics Research. Link
Motta, MP (2016). What do interviewer intelligence ratings actually measure? Research and Politics, 3(3), 1-10. Link
Motta, MP, Callaghan, TH, Smith BA (2016). Looking for Answers: Identifying Search Behavior and Improving Knowledge-Based Data Quality in Online Surveys. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Link

Book Chapters & Reviews
Motta, Matt & Jack Ferdman. (2024). "Vaccine Politics & Policymaking in the United States." Invited textbook chapter for Health Politics & Policy, Sixth Edition. Cengage. Forthcoming.
Motta, MP. (2020). President Trump Promised a COVID-19 Vaccine by Election Day. That Politicized Vaccination Intentions. in US Election Analysis 2020: Media, Voters and the Campaign. The Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community. Bournemouth University. Link.
Motta, MP. (2020) Campaign Advertising & Political Representation in the U.S. in Voting and Political Representation in America: Issues and Trends.
Goren, PN and Motta MP. (2020) “Values and Political Judgment: A New Approach," in At the Forefront of Political Psychology: Essays in Honor of John L. Sullivan.
Motta, MP. & Fowler, EF (2016). "The Content and Effect of Political Advertising in Campaigns." Oxford Research Encyclopedia. Link
Book Review of "Uninformed: Why People Seem to Know So Little about Politics and What We Can Do about It." (2016) By Arthur Lupia. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015.: Motta, Matthew, University of Chicago Press, Journal of Politics, 78(4) E17-E18, 2016. Link